Gender Equity in Mining Works

The Gender Equity in Mining Works (GEM Works) Initiative helps companies foster a mining and minerals industry where both women and men have the best opportunities for making great contributions and having rewarding careers.

A female technician operating equipment in a plant

The GEM Works suite includes an e-learning program, an executive development session and written tools to guide mining employers in their efforts to create more gender-inclusive workplaces.

GEM Works: Become a Gender Champion – Executive Development Session

An interactive, experiential program that provides senior leaders in Canada’s mining and minerals sector with the inspiration, knowledge and skills necessary for success as a “Gender Champion”, driving organizational change towards a more gender-inclusive workplace.

GEM Works Toolbox

This guidebook helps mining companies update their policies and practices to identify and remove unintended barriers to develop a workplace that is inclusive and welcoming for both women and men. It uses a step-by-step approach on how to apply a “gender lens” to take a fresh look at written formalized policies, processes and procedures.

GEM Works: Learn to Make a Difference ELearning Program

These four e-learning modules aim to encourage regular use of the GEM Works Toolbox and to help organizations successfully implement its virtues. These modules are useful for anyone who needs more support using the Toolbox when identifying and removing systemic barriers within the policies, processes and procedures of his or her organization.

The GEM Works initiative also includes:

Gender Equity in Mining Champion’s Taskforce

The GEM Champion Taskforce is a group of executives who act as industry role models to influence change in their companies and in the industry at large, in order to continue the journey towards gender equity in mining.

Gain Traction by Sharing Success

By ensuring that the efforts and successes of the participating Champions and their organizations are shared and celebrated, and demonstrating the impacts of implementing the GEM Works suite of resources, this initiative aims to inspire other organizations to start their journey towards gender equity in Canada’s mining industry.

Email us for more information on GEM Works.

Project Overview